.. _partslist: Parts, Purchasing ================= * RPi Zero W, preferred for *this* project: * RPi Zero series, because it easily runs headless, and only needs a 5 VDC, 1A power supply with micro USB connector. * Unlike the plain RPi Zero, has built-in WiFi. * Unlike the RPi Zero WH, you can solder just the pins you want, so you don't expose **possible short circuits** of supply Voltage to ground from the unused pins. .. figure:: _static/exposed-pins.jpg :width: 40% Exposed pins when a full GPIO header is soldered to the RPi Zero board. .. index:: NextCloudPi * RPi 4 running `NextCloudPi `_ : Follow the wiring and installation instructions to add *dhtioc* to your NextCloudPi server! .. tip:: Enclosures .. index:: enclosure For the best measurement of ambient conditions, place the DHT22 sensor head *outside* of the enclosure. Place the sensor *inside* to measure the RPi operating temperature. Parts List ---------- 1. Raspberry Pi (any model) 1. power supply for the RPi (if you don't have) 2. SD card for the RPi, 4GB or larger (if you don't have) 3. enclosure or case for the RPi (**suggested**, optional) .. index:: DHT22 2. DHT22 (AM2302) Digital Humidity & Temperature sensor 1. solderable header pins, sockets, jumper wires (optional), as needed 2. connector wiring (optional), as needed Purchasing Suggestions ---------------------- * RPi Zero W complete starter kit: https://www.microcenter.com/product/627789/vilros-raspberry-pi-zero-w-complete-starter-kit * RPi Zero W kit: https://www.microcenter.com/product/606952/canakit-raspberry-pi-zero-w-(wireless)-with-official-case-and-power-supply * RPi Zero W board: https://www.adafruit.com/category/933?src=raspberrypi .. index:: enclosure; indoor * typical indoor enclosure (Adafruit case for the Zero): https://www.adafruit.com/product/3252 *or* https://chicagodist.com/products/adafruit-raspberry-pi-zero-case .. figure:: _static/adafruit-enclosure.jpg :width: 40% Adafruit enclosure with RPi Zero W for indoors. .. index:: enclosure; outdoor * typical outdoor electrical outlet enclosure: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Red-Dot-1-Gang-GFCI-Weatherproof-Non-Metallic-Electrical-Box-Cover-Kit-S355P/204193191 .. figure:: _static/outdoor-enclosure.jpg :width: 40% Outdoor enclosure with RPi Zero W. .. index:: DHT22 * DHT22 sensor: https://www.amazon.com/HiLetgo-Temperature-Humidity-Electronic-Practice/dp/B0795F19W6 .. figure:: _static/DHT22.jpg :width: 40% DHT22 sensor, with supplied jumper wiring. * header pins & sockets, assortment: https://www.amazon.com/MCIGICM-Connector-Assortment-arduino-Stackable/dp/B07X23LQQF *or* https://chicagodist.com/search?q=header * jumper wires: pin/pin, socket/socket: https://www.adafruit.com/category/306 *or* https://chicagodist.com/search?q=jumper%20wire